Dreamforce 2024

What You Need to Know About AI and Life Sciences

Newsletter issue: 113

Subscribers: 11,578+

I recently got back from Dreamforce 2024 in San Francisco, California. Hosted by Salesforce, Dreamforce is the world's largest gathering focused on AI, and it was a massively impactful event for many industries including healthcare and life sciences. Maybe you don’t often think of Salesforce when you think of Healthcare and Life Sciences - but after this event, I think everyone in the industry should. 

Salesforce has been quietly transforming healthcare and life sciences behind the scenes, and now, with the launch of Life Sciences Cloud, the pace is accelerating rapidly. My fellow healthcare professionals, it’s absolutely critical to be aware of how technology can transform our industry. It's no longer a matter of IF we will harness the power of technology, it's a matter of how and when. Being in the know allows you to be an early adopter which can greatly benefit your organization, and, ultimately – patients.

Here’s what you missed at the event (and why it matters):

AI is going to make your job so much easier!

As a former retail pharmacist of over 10 years, I remember the parts of my job that drained me the most: the tedious, repetitive tasks that took me away from my patients. Whether it was waiting on hold with insurance companies, managing inventory, or dealing with reams of paperwork, these tasks added up to a significant portion of my day.

Yet, in healthcare, we’ve come to accept these inefficiencies as “part of the job,” unfortunately leading to burnout and high turnover rates. I know this firsthand, as I was one of those who initially walked away.

How will AI help?

Salesforce’s Life Sciences Cloud has evolved into a platform that empowers teams with tools to streamline and automate tasks. One of the highlights of the event was learning how AI can unify patient data into a single golden record. This means less time spent gathering information and more time focused on patient care. The ability to validate insurance coverage and automate benefit verification processes will also reduce the time we spend on administrative tasks, allowing us to focus more on our patients’ needs.

AI has your back in clinical decisions

Pharmacists, like all healthcare professionals, must be perfect in their work. The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming, especially in high-volume settings. The good news is that AI is not here to replace us, but to provide an additional layer of security in our decision-making. Imagine a tool that helps prioritize alerts, catches potential errors, and even suggests therapy recommendations based on a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s data.

This is particularly valuable in busy pharmacies, where notification fatigue is a real issue. AI can help filter out the noise and ensure that the most critical information gets the attention it deserves. This gives us more confidence in our clinical decisions, allowing us to practice at the top of our licenses with greater peace of mind.

AI keeps in touch with your patients

Whether you’re a pharmacist or something else, one thing remains constant: our love for our patients. However, staying in touch with them consistently can be a challenge, due to our busy schedules. Basic CRM systems have helped, but AI is taking patient engagement to a whole new level.

At Dreamforce, I learned how AI can proactively stay in touch with patients, ensuring they keep appointments, verify treatment coverage, and even arrange transportation to their healthcare visits. AI can also guide patients through their treatment plans, remind them about important health milestones, and offer personalized outreach for clinical trials they may benefit from.

This technology won’t add to our workload—it will enhance it. AI enables better patient connections, helping us stay engaged with them without adding more to our already full plates.

AI is your partner in improving patient care

One of the most compelling aspects of AI that I learned about at Dreamforce is its ability to enhance patient care on multiple levels.

AI-powered tools are designed to proactively engage with patients, ensuring they follow through with treatment plans, attend their appointments, and stay on top of their health.

By automating these touch points, AI not only lightens our workload but also significantly increases adherence and improves patient outcomes. With AI, we can offer a more personalized, responsive healthcare experience—one where patients feel supported at every step of their journey. This leads to better health outcomes, fewer gaps in care, and ultimately, a higher standard of patient care that benefits everyone involved. This is what I’m talking about!


I’ve never been more excited to be a PharmD.

AI is finally taking the most tedious, painful parts out of a healthcare provider’s workday, allowing us to focus on what truly matters—our patients. Salesforce 's Life Sciences Cloud is revolutionizing healthcare and life sciences by providing tools that streamline tasks, support clinical decisions, and enhance patient engagement.

Overall, our patients are going to be the biggest beneficiaries of this technology implementation. They’ll experience more touch points, proactive outreach, and better health outcomes as a result.

This PharmD is all in, and I encourage you to embrace Salesforce ’s Life Sciences Cloud as an incredible solution to ease your workload and improve patient care.

Learn more about Salesforce Life Sciences Cloud: https://sforce.co/3XZwUoT

#DF24 #SalesforcePartner

👋🏻 Jamie

This issue of the newsletter was sponsored by Salesforce.