You're Feeling Stuck on What to Post About, huh?

5 Proven Templates You Can Use This Week

Issue #109

Subscriber count: 11,373+

If you’re trying to build your online presence the most important thing you can do is post regularly.

Easier said than done, right?
Especially if you’ve never posted regularly before.

What do I say every day?

How do I come up with ideas to write about?

I’m just stuck staring at a blank screen. Help!

Feeling any of the above? Of course you are. In fact, here is a DM I got from a fellow PharmD who wants to write more online, but needs a few prompts for what a successful post looks like:

So, for this week’s newsletter I’m going to share my 5 best performing posts of all time
.and why they worked. Each has >95K views, hundreds of reactions, and dozens of likes and shares.

Your job is to take steal them and apply them to a topic you’re interested in.

1- “I May Be A _____, But I Don’t _____”

Why it works: This works because you share a controversial opinion that is different than the status quo. You stand out by breaking the mold. The meat of the post is your chance to explain why.

2- Something You’ve Quit or Reconsidered

Why this works: People love hearing quitting stories. They also love seeing new opinions and how you came to change your thinking.

3-Advice To People A Few Years Behind You

Why this works: You’ve learned so much getting this far in life. If you can summarize what you’ve learned and put them in simple bullet points it is easy for the next generation to get help from you. As a bonus you’ll find that it is not just students who love this kind of summary: everyone enjoys key takeaways that are quick to consume.

4-POV (Point of View)

Why it works: Similar to sharing a controversial opinion (above), sharing why you have the POV (point of view) you have right now is also fun to read and engage with.

5-Your Change Over Time

Why this works: People love to see change & growth in others. Especially the kind that took years to mature. Sharing long-term growth (and what you’ve learned) is encouraging both for you as a writer and for your audience.

All of these templates are something you can use today. You don’t have to be a legacy digital writer with a ton of experience online. Each of these 5 examples are something I know you can write about for your growing audience this week.

How To Use These Examples As A Template:

Step One: Bookmark this email (or weblink) so you can use these as a template to apply them to your own topic for posting this week

Step Two: Pictures help. 3 of my 5 top-performing posts had a picture. Not just a picture, but one directly related to a topic. All of them happened to be a photo of me in a pharmacy to visually communicate that I was in the trenches too.

Step Three: Steal other successful posts from other digital writers you like. Take a screenshot of their post. Use it as a template for your own specific topic

Step Four: Set your expectations. Your first 1-2 months of posting regularly won’t get a lot of traction. Do it anyway. You’re mostly doing it for yourself. You’re turning yourself into a digital write who has something worth saying. It take time to build this muscle and I don’t want you to give up if you don’t ‘go viral’ in the first 2 weeks.

I’m so proud of the PharmD who sent me this message who is posting 5xs/week. Make this be your habit, too. It may not feel like it is worth it for the first few weeks, but after 6month-1 year of keeping up this habit you’ll be in a category of your own. Which is a very valuable place to be!

đŸ‘‹đŸ» Jamie

PS-Whenever you're ready, there are 2 more ways Jamie can help you:

  • đŸ‘‰đŸ» I'm building a waitlist of 220+ PharmD’s for my private incubator community that takes you go from lurking online to owning a strong personal brand in 90 days without being an extrovert. Join here

  • Hit reply to this email with a problem you’re facing as you navigate exiting pharmacy. Chances are I’ll write a newsletter to solve your problem if it applies to others.

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